Imagine that you get up one morning to discover you've tapped a rich vein of the collective consciousness and can now visit friends or favorite heroes who've passed over to the other side. In this book, Linda Keen gives us a taste of how that might be. She takes us with her on a remarkable journey into seldom visited regions of human experience. Here she meets the legendary John Lennon and finds herself immediately engaged in one of the most astonishing dialogues of her life. Through this lively, entertaining narrative, we share the humor, loves, reflections, joys, and regrets--the very heart and soul--of this most beloved and controversial Beatle.
After the first few pages you'll be so deeply engrossed with the world you see through John Lennon's eyes, you'll forget to ask the obvious question: "Is this real? Has the writer actually pushed beyond the limits of everyday reality and entered another dimension?" The simple truth is that it ceases to matter whether this is fiction or a metaphysical breakthrough.
Linda Keen's prose reads like the most engaging novel, with a perspective that is convincingly positive, loving and respectful. She offers new appreciation for John's complexity and compassion, as well as for the flawed humanness and passions that perhaps helped make his music so great. The book pays homage to him--as a musical genius, as a father, as a husband, as a person who deeply loved life and was committed to world harmony. Every page celebrates his profound messages of peace, his belief in humanity's divine nature, and his own reverence for the magic of the creative spirit.